Hi-Story Lessons. Sources for teachers
Hi-story lessons is a multilingual educational project with the aim of creating an interactive website, which supports the process of teaching and learning about the 20th-century European history. It is an international initiative prepared by the European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS) and experts from Germany, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland. The website is dedicated to teachers and pupils from the countries involved in the project and for a worldwide audience.
Hi-Story Lessons in 10 words:
Storytelling – presenting stories of individuals and complementary narratives in a wider international context.
History – offering innovative ways to deliver history education.
Teaching – equipping teachers with helpful and inspiring tools.
Learning – presenting 20th-century history to the young generation as a fascinating period of time.
Exchanging knowledge – finding out how history is remembered and taught at schools in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Germany, the Czech Republic and Poland and how it could be done more effectively.
International discourse – taking into account perspectives of six European countries with diverse historical narratives.
Networking – stimulating cooperation between educational experts of different national backgrounds.
Creating – presenting valuable and innovative educational resources.
Dialogue – building mutual respect and improving understanding among Europeans.
Teamwork – every stage of the project is prepared and implemented by diverse, innovative teams.
The European Network Remembrance and Solidarity is an international initiative whose aim is to research, document and enhance the public knowledge of the 20th-century history of Europe and European cultures of remembrance, with particular emphasis on periods of dictatorships, wars and resistance to political violence. The members of the Network are Germany, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia, with representatives from Albania, Austria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia and Lithuania present in its advisory bodies. www.enrs.eu