E-exhibition "Communism and Terror"
The online exhibition "Communism and Terror" (2022) talks about the essence of communist ideology and the tragic consequences of its implementation in Europe.
Communism was one of the most influential ideologies of the 20th century, which blinded millions of people throughout the world who had no direct experience of its implementation. At the same time, it meant suffering for hundreds of millions of people who had to live under regimes that were propped up by communist doctrine.
This exhibition has been produced through international cooperation
Estonian Institute of Historical Memory - Martin Andreller, Toomas Hiio, Olev Liivik, Sandra Vokk
Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur/ Federal Foundation for the Study of the Dictatorship in Eastern Germany - Anna Kaminsky, Sabine Kuder
Okupacijų ir laisvės kovų muziejus/ Museum of Occupations and Freedom Fights of Lithuania - Ramunė Driaučiūnaitė, Monika Kareniauskaitė
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej/ Institute of National Remembrance of Poland - Władysław Bułhak, Tomasz Ginter, Marzena Kruk, Dorota Koczwańska-Kalita
Curator: Olev Liivik
Edited by: Toomas Hiio, Olev Liivik, Signe Siim, Peeter Tammisto
Translation into Estonian: Toomas Hiio, Olev Liivik
Translation into English: Peeter Tammisto and authors of the texts
Graphic design of the virtual exhibition: Marko Poolamets