E-exhibition "Road to the unknown"
The virtual exhibition "Road to the unknown" talks about the reasons behind and the results of the March 1949 deportation of Baltic peoples (i.e., Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians). In addition, the exhibit is focused on revealing the systemic nature and scope of these events, as well as their impact on human life at the individual level.
The crimes against humanity committed by the Soviet regime were well-planned and involved a large number of people. They cannot, therefore, be interpreted as mere mistakes.
The main goal of this exhibition is to pass on knowledge about the reasons behind and the results of the March 1949 deportation of Baltic peoples (i.e., Estonians, Latvians, and Lithuanians). In addition, the exhibit is focused on revealing the systemic nature and scope of these events, as well as their impact on human life at the individua
Kärt Kool, Maria Kunts, Joonas Kuusemäe, Mihkel Laur, Evo-Richard Lode, Gretelin Malbe, Louisa Pedak, Andreas Sepp, Mari-Liis Truusööt, Ott Valdma, Riko Piir-Veselov
Linda Kaljundi, Mare Oja, Allar Tui
Estonian Institute of Historical Memory
Photo and document collections, libraries:
Estonian National Archive, Estonian National Museum, Tartu City Museum, Vabamu, Entu, Viljandi Museum